Monday 26 August 2013

MORE OF 2012

Here's more of what I did for 2012.

One thing I've realised from doing PL from last year to this year is that last year I was truly all about the colour. From my cards to the pictures I took.

While doing this year's pages, albeit they were less fussy as it was a restart in being crafty again of sorts, it's more minimalist. Perhaps it is because I chose to work with the Midnight kit which I do love. But I'm craving some colour and personally am looking forward to adding the Project Life Sunshine kit by Elsie and Emma to my collection for some pop of colour.

Till then I'll using the huge washi stash that I have accumulated to add neon colours into the spread. I should interrupt 2012 with some of my 2013 spreads to share I guess. 

Well, here are some more 2012 shares. 

A trip to Legoland Malaysia for the Media Day Out Preview brought back memories of having visited Legoland Denmark (the original) when I was much younger

The amount of detail that attention is paid to is amazing

Some PR work and me trying my hand at embroidery, sweets style.

This year as explained, documenting life has been challenging given the feel of lack of time that I didn't even take that many photos. But as I started filling in the gaps again, I've realised how much this project does mean to me in terms of remembering the memories that I have passed, and I am grateful for having taken the time to document.

Hence though 2013 would look very abbreviated for the first half of the year, it's better documented from this point forth than none at all (:

Project Life is a line of products by Becky Higgins, and can be used for documentation of daily life or anything else you may want. I am using it to remember the year and take more photos of  my everyday. Follow my PL journey here

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